The KAIROS moment

Could this be YOUR Kairos moment......?

Sava and Wendy Tomin

Meet the founders of Kairos Christian Centre......


Excitement, enthusiasm and hope for the future.......

Memberships and Baptisms

The beginning of 2011 was full of Kairos 'firsts'....

Breakfasts with Wendy

Come and join us for a relaxed and friendly breakfast....

Monday 10 October 2011

La Multi Ani Kairos

On Sunday Kairos celebrated it's first birthday!! Congratulations to us!!! And much Thankfulness and Praise to God!!!

The first year has been exciting and fun and scary and challenging and tiring and exhilarating. I guess you could say it's been a bit of a roller-coaster. New projects (even Kingdom projects) are never plain sailing. The journey is never smooth and flat.

Thank God!!!

Because smooth and flat, however appealing it might seem when your struggling up a hill, is, quite frankly, boring. It's dull. It's easy and predictable, but it's dull. Roller-coasters however....... now your talking!

There is nothing dull about being on a roller-coaster: it's thrilling, exhilarating and scary; it makes you want to scream and demand to get off; to curse the person who persuaded you to get on for their terrible advice; to squeeze the hand of the poor soul sitting next to you so tight your not sure they'll want to be your friend any more; it might even make you feel a little ill........ but despite all this you cannot deny that it's just plain fun!!

I love roller-coaster's. I love to stand in the queue whipping myself into a frenzy watching the drops and loops, I love to feel the trembly panicky feeling you get as you strap yourself in, I love to embrace the fear as we climb the first ascent and then scream at the top of my lungs as we plunge down the other side. I love it, because on a roller-coaster I'm never really scared. It may seem to my senses like I am risking my life but in my head I know I am safe. I am strapped to my seat in a train that is fastened securely to the tracks. We are whizzing and whirling but I am safe and secure.

The first year of Kairos has been like a roller-coaster. With highs and lows; successes and disappointments; thrills and spills. But overall it has been overwhelmingly fun.......because despite our fears and apprehensions deep down we know that we are safe and secure. Strapped to our seats on a train held by the one who persuaded us to get on this ride in the first place, following the tracks that He has laid out for us, squeezing the hands of those journeying alongside us. I am so grateful to God for all He has done through Kairos this year and I am even more grateful for the opportunity to ride this roller-coaster with such a great bunch of people. Now we're looking forward to year number 2 – please keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times – here we go... Happy Birthday Kairos!!!! 


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