Friday 27 May 2011

Membership & Baptism

In February, we launched the first of our ‘Discipleship courses’. We began with around 15 people meeting every two weeks to work through a course teaching the basics of following Jesus, from Salvation, through to water baptism and then onto living a Holy life while serving Him. Sava chose the ‘Saddleback’ discipleship course which had been translated into Romanian, making it possible for everyone to understand the principles needed to bring us closer to being ‘disciples’ of Jesus.

During the course, we were able to discuss Church Membership and six people came forward to be our first Kairos members. We celebrated with a presentation night, on which each of the new members committed to the vision and values of Kairos and received a personal certificate of membership! We were also more than thrilled when three people decided to follow Jesus through the Waters of baptism. Pastor Cusman Cionca of Metanoia Church kindly offered us the use of his church and baptismal facilities and so it was with incredible joy that Sava and I witnessed the beginning of our ‘Kairos family’ being birthed. We believe this is just the beginning of great things taking place in this wonderful city of Timisoara. For those who have believed in us…..we are so thankful to you for having faith in Sava and I….it’s been an interesting time….of excitement, challenge and growth!!

                                                                                                                            Wendy Tomin


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