Thursday 5 February 2015

Summary of last year

We all know procrastination is a sin, but all of us do it at times. This has been my problem in regard to keeping our Kairos Blog updated. Life is busy and time passes too quickly.  I just want to write a short summary of last year - 2014 - and then add some of our plans for the future in 2015!
2014 was a year full of exciting events!

In January we recommenced our ‘Breakfast with Wendy’ with one of our largest meetings so far. Our BWW team is doing a great job!

February brought us a visit from Alin Padureanu with a ‘Day with Daddy’ T-shirt in acknowledgement for his organisation (ABC) using Kairos for their annual meal with prisoners from Timisoara and their families.

March - Our Kairos Leadership team is growing stronger all the  time as we spend time with each other and serve God together.

April - Our Easter Celebration is always fun, “breaking our Easter eggs” as a family,  remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus. Also, Solo Café was launched, being an opportunity for those who are still free and single to get together to have fellowship.

In May we celebrated another great Water Baptism. Three wonderful young people chose to be baptised, and two others became members, so in total we welcomed 5 new people into the Kairos family. We’re thrilled that God is still calling people to follow Him.

June - we enjoyed a lovely visit from our friends and supporters from Scotland: Izzy and Nick. We showed them the beautiful city that God has chosen to place us in.

July - Sava taught in the ‘Didasko Project’ in Metanoia Church, a leadership program for those who want to grow spiritually. Also, holiday time begins, with many barbecues and special times around the pool.

In August we were sad to see Simon Stef leaving for a new life in America, but our loss was their gain. We enjoyed a great surprise celebration at the engagement of Gaby and Catalin and later in the month we celebrated the beautiful wedding of Lorena and Dani (Our first since the launch of Kairos).

September - the Pastors of BNT (Non-Denominational Churches in Timisoara) joined with us in Kairos for a lovely breakfast.

October saw us enjoying the 4th Anniversary of Kairos. Time sure does fly.

November saw the preparations begin for our Christmas Projects. One hundred shoe boxes arrived from Romanians in Chicago (W.I.N.G.S.) and the money for our special Christmas food box project was raised by our own Kairos family.

December brought celebrations in our ‘Breakfast with Wendy’ with a surprise visit from Father Christmas. We practiced for our Carol Singing event and we enjoyed our fabulous Christmas Eve Buffet.

This is just a quick summary of what has taken a whole year to live through and enjoy! Kairos continues to grow and we see great advancement in everyone’s lives. We have enjoyed having our ‘Internship Program’ (two or three people who are members in Kairos chosen to be part of our leadership team) joining us in the team meetings and taking part in the active life of the church for a three month period.

We can’t wait to see what God has for us in 2015 and in our next blog post we will share some of our plans and dreams for the future. See you soon and please write to us if we can pray with you. We will happily do so!

Wendy Tomin xx
Co-pastor, Kairos Christian Centre, Timisoara


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