Friday 20 February 2015

The team that makes it happen

It’s the best feeling in the world to work with a dedicated group of women!  I have found that when I've visited a place or an organisation that is run mainly by women, there’s just a special amount of caring that goes into every decision.  Of course, I'm not criticising men, but women can do some things so much better.  It comes as second nature for a woman to care. And in choosing my Breakfast with Wendy team, I've been blessed beyond measure with the girls God has sent to work with me!

Because of my own ‘lack of talent’, I always choose my girls carefully.  I need girls who communicate with other girls in a friendly and kind manner.  I need girls who can take photographs that can bring our meetings to life. I need girls who love other girls and can bring them to a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ by their actions. I need girls who can cook or create food in a mouth-watering manner.  I need girls who can organise tables and venues to satisfy my particular taste.  In fact, I just need all kinds of girls! 

Having a special meal together as a team
In the three years plus since our Breakfasts began, we've been privileged to have hundreds of girls attend our monthly meetings.  Our venues have varied and so too have our speakers.  We've been privileged to have English, Scottish and American girls speak in our meetings as well as, of course, our native Romanians. I believe in the future we will be blessed to have girls from many nationalities join us in BWW and as we work together closely as a team, this dream is coming to pass sooner – rather than later! 

It isn't an easy task to communicate to people who have never seen nor heard of a concept before exactly what the vision is that God has placed on one's heart.  The very first member of my team was Luizi.  For anyone who has contacted Luizi, her heart for others is very apparent and her outstanding desire to care for people made it very clear to me that she would be my ‘partner in crime’ so to speak!  She has worked closely with me since the inception of BWW and very soon became more than efficient in running a very tight ship.  She is my interpreter and often she can speak for me – without me even using words.  That’s a unique gift to have and very seldom found these days! 

Sabina and Gaby have been incredible with the camera.  Sabina rarely (if ever) misses a planning meeting – and never an actual BWW event.  Always there, willing to do whatever is needed.  Gaby can attract girls like no-one else. She has such an open heart and invites everyone she meets!  Being in the ‘beauty’ business, she mingles with many girls who open their hearts as they sit in the salon, giving an open opportunity to witness.  

Rosana adds wisdom above her years.  She is a Psychiatrist and her knowledge of the mind has been a great asset, as well as being a Pastor’s daughter, giving her inside experience that can help many struggling teenagers disillusioned with church!   We refer many girls with specific needs in her area of expertise to Rosana, and we are very blessed she is part of our team.  

Voislava is full of energy and the best cook ever!  Her willing heart and her knowledge of cooking have made her a very valuable part of our team.  When setting up for BWW she is an expert and her food arranging skills are well tested on a regular basis!  

Marinela is the sweetest girl.  Every month without fail, she brings table decorations for every single girl in attendance.  She carefully chooses Scriptures that will bless and encourage even the saddest heart and writes them on the most beautifully decorated cards. 

The amazing BWW team!
All of my girls have given more than they ever thought they could give.  We are a team of girls - pioneering a new concept - in a large city full of churches who are used to women's ministry being in a certain format.  We are challenging the boundaries that have always been there!  We are ‘liberating women’ to be themselves in God. Praying with the broken-hearted, anointing blankets of hope and sending them to the sick, meeting on a weekly basis with as many girls across our city (as possible) who call for help. 

My original vision for a hundred girls to meet monthly is becoming a reality.  I believe if God can have the heart of a woman, He can have a strong hold into her whole family.  The dream God placed in my heart is burning even brighter. To work with girls who can ‘catch the vision’ is an incredible privilege and I have been blessed to have just that.  God has given me my ‘dream team’, to reach out into a world where woman underestimate their value, work below their potential in God, and settle for less rather than more – which is just the right combination for God to do a miracle and to radically change their lives! I am one very blessed leader – leading a team of very blessed leaders!   

Wendy Tomin
Co-Pastor, Kairos Christian Centre


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