Monday 2 March 2015

Never underestimate the prayer of a woman!

A long time ago now, in my ‘other’ life, we used to enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship with lots of lovely like-minded Christians every Friday night.  This gathering was called the ‘Friday Fellowship’.  We met together and shared the goodness of God.  We had Praise and Worship which I used to lead with my accordion and we would sometimes sing for an hour, just song after song, about the goodness of God.

One weekend, a lovely lady visited us from America.  Her name was Judy Buch.  She was a professional Ventriloquist but as well as this she was a special ‘woman of God’.  She shared in our meeting and one of the unforgettable blessings, for me especially, was when she shared her inspiring life story.  It had been one of heartbreak with a drug abuser in her family that almost brought the family to despair, but through it all she found God to be her strength and comfort.

During one of her visits, she showed us how to make a ‘prayer blanket’.  It was quite simple but her explanation so inspired me that to this day I have ‘adopted’ her ministry of prayer blankets.  We all know how important prayer is.  Until I came here to Romania, I used to pray on the run.  I worked very long hours, I was a mother and grandmother, which left very little dedicated time for prayer.  But since God allowed me to change my status for this period of time, I find much more time to dedicate myself to seeking Him and spending quality time in His presence. 

Making a prayer blanket

Many of you know that I do prayer walks as often as I can in the mornings.  These bring me closer to God (I believe) as well as opening up my heart and ears to hear what He wants to say to me.  Lots of people come to God and talk non-stop without realising that He wants to talk to us!  As soon as I leave my home, I begin to thank Him for all He has done for me.  I praise Him with all my heart for the blessing He has allowed into my life and the people who He has sent to minister to me in so many aspects of my life.  I walk and talk with God for the whole distance of around ten kilometres!  For me this is an amazing distance to walk as I am really a ‘couch potato’, but so great is my desire to hear from Him, I have made a physical effort to move myself towards God! I ask Him to give me wisdom and guidance in every decision I take, for the advice I give to people, and for the things I write on Facebook too.  All of it - what we say, what we do, that which we transmit to others, can have a positive or a negative effect on people’s lives.  God has to permeate everything that we do and all that we are so that we can be an effectual tool in His hand.

In our ‘Breakfast with Wendy’ meetings, we have adopted the ‘prayer blanket’ as our own.  Some blankets are donated and we make a special effort to send one to those in our circle who are sick and in need of a healing touch or from anyone who notifies us of a need.   We place two fleece blankets on top of each other, and cut six inches deep into the two blankets, every two inches along the edges of both blankets.   We then tie both cut pieces in a knot, and as each is tied, we pray that God will take this blanket and comfort those who are in need, trusting God for miracles as in Acts 19:11-12: „God did extraordinary miracles through Paul so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.”  We are encouraged to hear great reports from the people who receive these prayer blankets of renewed hope and strength. 

God is no respecter of persons.  He is more willing to give than we are to receive.  He can change your life through prayer as He has done mine.  He can give you the strength to reach out and pray for others who are less fortunate than us. He can do anything as He is God.  Make a renewed effort to reach out and touch God – He can do more than we can ask or think.  He is waiting for willing candidates – I certainly am nobody special.  But our willingness to be used in God’s kingdom makes us a conduit for His blessing and healing power.  It’s not about us – it’s all about Him.

Wendy Tomin
Co-pastor, Kairos Christian Centre


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