Thursday 19 March 2015

In the beginning

Timisoara is a beautiful City in the west of Romania, situated not too far from the Hungarian border.  It is a very Westernised City and because of the thousands of foreign guests that poured into it just after the Revolution, it has become a contradiction in itself to the rest of Romania.  The first time I came here in 1990, with humanitarian aid, I was overwhelmed by the poverty and lack of everyday items, such as sugar and milk and a whole lot more.  I came back many times during that period with different teams, and we often stayed in one of the main hotels in Timisoara. I recall many times when we could not find food or drink – the water was undrinkable – and life was very hard for the people.

Although now times have changed for most people in this city, there is still a great divide between those ‘who have’ and those ‘who have not’.  The poverty is hidden by the huge amount of expensive cars that are driven around the city, but the poverty is still here for many thousands of people. But this is the city God called us to plant our church in, and so here we are. It has around 400,000 inhabitants with a student population of around 40,000 from all over the world.

There are so many wonderful churches here in the city and one would wonder why God had called us to plant another – but call us He did, and we’re so thankful for the opportunity to serve Him.  Sava and I have needed much grace.  We realise that people expect Pastors to have always been ‘saintly’ and ‘holy’, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Just like everyone else, Pastors are in need of the grace of God in their lives, and we are no different.  For many years – in fact since Bible School days – Sava had been writing out the format for the church that he would one day pastor – he even had the name chosen - Kairos - believing that somewhere in the world God would place him to lead others into a fuller knowledge of God. The last place he expected God to call him to, was back home to his very own city of birth!  But God doesn't make mistakes.

We walked through several doors thinking they might be the right ones, but eventually we realised that God had called us to launch a new church altogether.  Both of us trembled at the very thought – what if nobody would join us – what if we failed – what if we hadn't really heard from God? There were many anxieties in the early days until we walked along with God and saw His hand open doors that no man could shut!  We launched on Facebook – something that was quite unheard of.  We had no team, no financial support, no building and no backup – but we took a step of faith that God would provide all that we needed and leaped into the dark!  It wasn't too long before God began to send us the most unlikely and wonderful people.

Rebecca Mace – an English girl who had worked for many years in the city doing an incredible work with hundreds of children – was inspired by the vision that God had placed in Sava’s heart and felt that God had spoken to her to join us.  Then, Luizi and Razvan, a young couple who were both brought up in Christian homes, came alongside us.  They helped us to paint the very first building we rented for our church and as soon as we spoke of the vision God had given, they felt it was something they could function in and grow closer to God. 

We now had five in our team and we felt that was enough for us to move ahead.  We met for prayer daily and were overwhelmed at the incredible miracles God wrought in those early days.  He showed us clearly that we were in His perfect will – despite the opposition that inevitably goes with taking blind steps of faith! 

God added to us slowly and surely.  A lovely young English couple called Lindon and Sam Craven felt God call them after reading our posts on Facebook, and enquired if they could possibly come and help us for a year.  They were an answer to prayer and on their arrival they clicked immediately with our team and brought their talents to the table, giving God their all. 

There have been many mountain top experiences since then and a few valley experiences too but we can truly say we have never had one day’s regret as to the call of God for us to be in this wonderful city at this pivotal time in the history of Romania.  We believe that the best is still ahead and we look forward with great anticipation as to where God will lead us. 

Please continue to pray for us as we endeavour to bring change in our city – a spiritual Revolution in a city that knows the consequences of change from the previous Revolution.  God can do it again!! Thank you for standing with us – financially and in prayer.

Wendy, Sava & the Kairos Team.


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