Friday 13 March 2015

(Extra)Ordinary Women

I don’t think there’s ever been such an exciting time to be a woman as today. For many years, culture has dictated that women are second class citizens and indeed, to this day, in many countries women don’t even have a voice. They are not allowed to go to school, not allowed to vote and their only role in life is to stay at home and be prisoners of their husbands and homes. (Please understand, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being a home-maker - I believe it is one of God's highest callings to be a mother and a wife.)  I am so grateful to live in a free country and one that is beginning to come into the realisation of just how much potential there is any one woman!

Women are pushing all the boundaries these days. In work places (when the men always used to run the show), women are coming up with higher standards of education, brighter ideas and vision for many projects that seem insignificant to men. Because of their inbuilt compassion and care, they are producing incredible results in almost every sphere.

All of us are blessed with varying talents. We have different mind-sets depending on our upbringing and background, but the one important thing that binds us all together is our womanhood. In this changing world, one thing is certain: that God can use anyone who is dedicated to Him. For so long we've believed that we are the ‘weaker vessel’ and that God couldn't use us. We lack confidence in God and the fact that He can use anything or anyone who places themselves in His hands. We forget that it isn't really about us at all – it’s ALL about Him!

Women are often very sensitive to God's voice and his call.  Perhaps it’s the way we are wired, but whatever the reason, we cannot afford to miss the call of God. Whether it is for something big or small, God has a plan for each of us and only we can fulfil it!

I believe in these days, women are beginning to stand up and be counted in the church as well as in society. They are taking their place in leadership: they are taking their place in praise and worship and even in counselling and prophetic gifts; women are rising to their calling within the ministry of the church. I do not believe that every woman is called to be a preacher or a pastor. Each of us has a unique place and a special role to fulfil in Christ's body, the church.  I do believe that as we seek the face of God and surrender to His will, He will make a way where there seems to be no way!  All we need to do is dedicate ourselves to the work we are called to do.

We are blessed to have several leaders in Kairos who are girls. We all have different gifts and thus complement each other, and as we grow, I believe God will add to our team the people we need to further the work He has called us to do. Is it because we deserve it? No, it’s only by God’s grace. If we remember that God can give and God can take away, we will always be in a safe place for God to show Himself to us and thus fulfil the destiny He has prepared for us! Take courage girls – the future is as bright as the promises of God!

Wendy Tomin
Co-Pastor, Kairos Christian Centre


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