Friday 27 May 2011

The KAIROS Moment

KAIROS describes a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action: the opportune and decisive moment.
Even though the Greek meanings are complex and culturally dependent, Kairos (καιρός) refers to the right time, opportune time or seasonable time. It cannot be measured. It is the perfect time, the qualitative time, the perfect moment, the “now.” Kairos brings transcending value to kronos time. 
Kairos is the right moment of opportunity which requires proactivity to achieve success. 
Kairos moments can catapult a person into the very essence of life, which often comes with great consequences. Yet, it is there, in kairos moments, where we live the great drama of life. Maybe it is in those times when we feel most alive, most in touch with our eternal purpose. Make no doubt about it, these moments are not just discerned, they must be seized.

Tempus Occasio! Seize the kairos moment!


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