The KAIROS moment

Could this be YOUR Kairos moment......?

Sava and Wendy Tomin

Meet the founders of Kairos Christian Centre......


Excitement, enthusiasm and hope for the future.......

Memberships and Baptisms

The beginning of 2011 was full of Kairos 'firsts'....

Breakfasts with Wendy

Come and join us for a relaxed and friendly breakfast....

Friday 27 May 2011

Membership & Baptism

In February, we launched the first of our ‘Discipleship courses’. We began with around 15 people meeting every two weeks to work through a course teaching the basics of following Jesus, from Salvation, through to water baptism and then onto living a Holy life while serving Him. Sava chose the ‘Saddleback’ discipleship course which had been translated into Romanian, making it possible for everyone to understand the principles needed to bring us closer to being ‘disciples’ of Jesus.

During the course, we were able to discuss Church Membership and six people came forward to be our first Kairos members. We celebrated with a presentation night, on which each of the new members committed to the vision and values of Kairos and received a personal certificate of membership! We were also more than thrilled when three people decided to follow Jesus through the Waters of baptism. Pastor Cusman Cionca of Metanoia Church kindly offered us the use of his church and baptismal facilities and so it was with incredible joy that Sava and I witnessed the beginning of our ‘Kairos family’ being birthed. We believe this is just the beginning of great things taking place in this wonderful city of Timisoara. For those who have believed in us…..we are so thankful to you for having faith in Sava and I….it’s been an interesting time….of excitement, challenge and growth!!

                                                                                                                            Wendy Tomin

Breakfast with Wendy

Wendy Tomin has been working in Christian Ministry for most of her life and has a wealth of experience to share. Wendy knows that life has it's highs and lows, struggles and victories, part of her ministry is to use her own experiences to help and encourage other women as they navigate their way through life....."my heart’s desire is to impart some of the things I have learned through living my life in a Christian family, involved totally in church, as well as the many mistakes I have made."

The breakfasts, lovingly prepared in the style of an English Tea Party, are held the last Saturday of every month at the Kairos office. All ladies are welcome to come and be a part of a varied group, from all ages and backgrounds, who want to know more about living life with Jesus.

Sava and Wendy Tomin

Sava and Wendy Tomin are the founders and co-leaders of Kairos Christian Centre. They believe God has given them a vision and anointing for this time, right now, in Timisoara Romania. They bring passion, enthusiasm, wisdom and a wealth of experience to the vision God has given them for Kairos. Their hearts desire is to see this generation come into a realization of God and His love for them:

"KAIROS exists to be relevant as we lead our generation to God and connect people to a growing community of followers of Christ.  We exist to lead our generation to God.

Everything we do is intentionally designed to communicate to our 21st century generation the following message:
   1.Every man and woman, regardless of who they are, is actively loved by God 
   2.God is permanently present in his/her life and has a precise purpose for it regardless of how improbable this may seem. 
   3.God wants to know us and have a relationship with us."
                                                                                           Kairos Statement

The KAIROS Moment

KAIROS describes a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action: the opportune and decisive moment.
Even though the Greek meanings are complex and culturally dependent, Kairos (καιρός) refers to the right time, opportune time or seasonable time. It cannot be measured. It is the perfect time, the qualitative time, the perfect moment, the “now.” Kairos brings transcending value to kronos time. 
Kairos is the right moment of opportunity which requires proactivity to achieve success. 
Kairos moments can catapult a person into the very essence of life, which often comes with great consequences. Yet, it is there, in kairos moments, where we live the great drama of life. Maybe it is in those times when we feel most alive, most in touch with our eternal purpose. Make no doubt about it, these moments are not just discerned, they must be seized.

Tempus Occasio! Seize the kairos moment!

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Spring is such a wonderful time of year. The sun starts to come out for one thing, and as everybody knows, especially after a long winter, the sun makes everything better. It's always such a joy to see the sun. To feel it's warmth on your back and bask in the beauty it miraculously bestows upon everything it touches. No matter how dark and cold winter has been, Spring always fills you with hope, enthusiasm and excitement.

Kairos has had a great winter! It may have been cold and snowy in Timisoara but Kairos has been blossoming quietly away, despite the cold. At Christmas we successfully embarked on an exciting food box project, raising funds for, creating, and personally delivering 10 boxes full of everyday staples and special Christmas goodies to families who are struggling financially in our city. We were also able to bless these families with clothes and toys thanks to the generous donations of both local and international supporters of Kairos.

Since then we have officially welcomed several new people as members of Kairos following their completion of a membership course. We have had our first baptism service, where we celebrated with 3 friends who made a public commitment to follow Jesus through the waters of Baptism. And we have had our first Communion Service. The really great thing about being at the beginning of something is that everything is new and precious. Everything is momentous. Everything is special.

Sometimes when we're at the beginning of something we spend our whole time being impatient for the next stage. We have the vision in our hearts and we can't wait to see it fulfilled. We plant seeds in the garden and we are twitching to see flowers and vegetables. We give birth to our children and we can't wait to see them walk, talk, play, grow up and go to school. We embark on a new course and we're already making plans for the next. But, if only we could see it, the beginning is the best time, Spring is the most joyful and exciting time of year. We shouldn't rush it or wish it away! Summer will come in it's own time. And it will bring it's own joys and difficulties.

Kairos is still blossoming and basking in Spring-like glory. We have done so much and yet everything is still new. We have achieved so much and yet everything is still bursting with potential. We are overwhelmed by what God has done and yet we are full of enthusiasm and excitement for what He is still going to do!!!!!

Let's trust in the Lord with all our hearts, stop relying on our own understanding, submit all our ways to God and trust that HE WILL direct our paths.........Proverbs 3:5-6


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