Friday 23 September 2011

The start of a new chapter...

Sunday the 18th of September marked the beginning of a new chapter for Kairos. Since our launch on the 10th of October 2010 we have been meeting on a Saturday evening; providing an exciting alternative to the usual Saturday night shenanigans. Last weekend was our very first Sunday morning church service. It is a new chapter in our story. Another milestone on our journey. Another benchmark in our life as a church.

Life is full of significant moments. Some more obvious than others. Sometimes if we want to develop and grow we have to be prepared to take risks and make changes. It might mean stepping out of our comfort zones and maybe saying farewell to some really good routines and habits. Change doesn't mean the old was bad it's just part of the journey.

My computer has our photo library as the screensaver so everytime we leave it alone for a while all sorts of random pictures from times past come flashing up before us. Happy pictures. Memories of good times from the past. Sometimes I feel a little pang of regret for that moment captured on film. It was a wonderful moment, but its gone, never to be experienced again. I can't have it back. Life is a collection of moments- no matter how good the moment we had or even the moment we have, it won't last forever. But all is not lost....we have thousands of new moments ahead of us. The challenge is to enjoy each moment while we are in it; to embrace changes with joy and expectation- grateful for the new avenues of pleasure the future will bring us.

Kairos is looking forward to this new chapter. We believe we are on the brink of something exciting. Our church is growing and developing. Individuals are being stretched and challenged and boldly taking opportunities to serve God in a new way. We have had lots of happy moments worshipping and fellowshipping together on a Saturday night....... and we have many happy Sunday morning moments ahead of us!


That's great. The Sunday morning church meeting is indeed a great step forward. It's important in Romanian culture to meet on Sunday in church. You'll see the greater impact that this will have on Kairos. God bless you and me, Corina and baby Alexandru-Aaron are with you guys.

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