The KAIROS moment

Could this be YOUR Kairos moment......?

Sava and Wendy Tomin

Meet the founders of Kairos Christian Centre......


Excitement, enthusiasm and hope for the future.......

Memberships and Baptisms

The beginning of 2011 was full of Kairos 'firsts'....

Breakfasts with Wendy

Come and join us for a relaxed and friendly breakfast....

Saturday 6 October 2012

We are back!

    “Grup de oameni strans unit, legat prin interese si idealuri comune”….asta este una din definitiile care apar in DEX la cuvantul “familie”.  La Kairos, suntem un grup de oameni din ce in ce mai strans unit, legat prin interese si idealuri comune..deci, suntem o familie. Si ca orice familie sanatoasa, ne place sa petrecem timp impreuna.

    Am petrecut impreuna o vara distrat mai ales la serile de barbeque si pool parties.   DAR a venit toamnaaaa si cum era cantecul :”eu vara nu dorm” , as putea spune ca la noi e “eu toamna nu dorm” hahaa…o data cu venirea toamnei, am reinceput si noi multe din “vechile” noastre activitati..

    Una din activitatile cele mai iubite de la Kairos e Breakfast with Wendy..dupa cum ii spune si numele, ne intalnim sa luam micul dejun impreuna si sa ascultam experiente din viata lui Wendy Tomin..e un timp minunat si aa da, e doar pentru fete!!!  Noi fetele, ne intalnim sa vorbim deschis despre ce ne doare pe noi, despre cat de enervanti pot fii baietii si primim cu inimi deschise ce are Wendy sa ne impartaseasca..experiente din care avem de, desi de cele mai multe ori, oamenii nu invata din greselile altora, ci le place sa isi comita propriile greseli, avem ocazia sa auzim cu toata sinceritatea si deschiderea, experiente placute si mai putin placute..

    O alta activitate foarte, foarte tare este intalnirea de marti seara aka grup de casa. De obicei ne intalnim la cineva acasa, si vorbim. Despre orice avem pe suflet. Suntem acolo unii pentru altii, ne rugam unii pentru altii, ne ascultam unii pe altii si facem tot ce putem ca sa ne ajutam unii pe altii. Toamna asta am reinceput in forta intalnirile de marti, si subiectul de acum este:”despre cele doua creiere” adicaaaaaaa, invatam si discutam despre cum doua creiere ATAT de diferite[cel masculin si cel feminin] pot totusi sa se inteleaga si sa convietuiasca in pace..e un subiect mega interesant si e foarte foarte exemplu, stiati ca barbatii pot..wait-for-it…sa se gandeasca la NIMIC!!??? Sa fie pur si simplu liniste in creierele lor…sau, stiati ca femeile pot face o gramadaaa de lucruri in acelasi timp, acordand atentie fiecaruia in parte? E fascinant cum suntem ATAT de totusi ne atragem..hahaa

       Da..unitate in diversitate..suntem atat de diferiti si totusi incercam sa ne acceptam si sa ne iubim unii pe altii…familia asta despre care va vorbeam la e o familie inchisa..suntem tot timpul gata sa “adoptam” si alti membrii..suntem deschisi si iubareti [J]  dar mai ales, suntem ne ascundem..what you see is what you get.   

                                                                            Sau, cel putin, asta e parerea mea.
                                                                                                                                  Cristina Radoi :)

Saturday 14 January 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

 2011 has been a great year for Kairos. We have inducted 17 new members, baptised 7 people in water and our new Sunday morning service now has around 30 regular attendees…….but these are just numbers. What really blesses us is not the numbers but the individual people that each of these numbers represent. It’s not the fact that we baptised 7 people that made 2011 great, it’s that we helped Mitza, Voislava, Ovidio, Sabina, Simon, Alex and sister Victoria grow in their relationship with God and find the courage to make a public commitment to Him.

Life is a journey and we all need travelling companions: people who will support us and encourage us to overcome the obstacles we encounter along the way; people who believe in us; people who are strong when we are weak; people to laugh with; people to cry with, people to talk to. Have you ever noticed how even the best moments in life are sadly lacking if you have no-one to share them with. We all need travelling companions and I believe that’s what God intended the church to be. A family of people walking together, living life together, encouraging one another, helping one another because we all need help. And not only do we all need help, we all need the opportunity to offer help to others too. If we focus all our attention on our own sufferings or even on our own happiness we will never find the joy we truly seek. It is only when we look around, when we seek the happiness of others, when we smile for someone else’s sake that we find any kind of true fulfilment. Church is a wonderful place to receive love and an even better place to give it.


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