Saturday 14 January 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

 2011 has been a great year for Kairos. We have inducted 17 new members, baptised 7 people in water and our new Sunday morning service now has around 30 regular attendees…….but these are just numbers. What really blesses us is not the numbers but the individual people that each of these numbers represent. It’s not the fact that we baptised 7 people that made 2011 great, it’s that we helped Mitza, Voislava, Ovidio, Sabina, Simon, Alex and sister Victoria grow in their relationship with God and find the courage to make a public commitment to Him.

Life is a journey and we all need travelling companions: people who will support us and encourage us to overcome the obstacles we encounter along the way; people who believe in us; people who are strong when we are weak; people to laugh with; people to cry with, people to talk to. Have you ever noticed how even the best moments in life are sadly lacking if you have no-one to share them with. We all need travelling companions and I believe that’s what God intended the church to be. A family of people walking together, living life together, encouraging one another, helping one another because we all need help. And not only do we all need help, we all need the opportunity to offer help to others too. If we focus all our attention on our own sufferings or even on our own happiness we will never find the joy we truly seek. It is only when we look around, when we seek the happiness of others, when we smile for someone else’s sake that we find any kind of true fulfilment. Church is a wonderful place to receive love and an even better place to give it.


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