Thursday 22 December 2011

Happy Christmas Kairos!

It's Christmas time and everyone at Kairos is looking forward to celebrating together!

Over the last few weeks we have been collecting money and clothes for our annual Christmas Food Box Project. We cannot help everyone in need in Timisoara but we hope to help a few families celebrate this Christmas by providing a box of food and a bag of clothes. This year we were especially blessed to collect enough money and clothes to provide for ten families all from within the Kairos family. As a church it is our desire to have a culture of generosity and love for those in need that goes beyond sympathy and becomes sacrifice and action. The Bible teaches us to look after those in our world who have physical needs so that his love and grace can be seen in us. We may not have much but God honours those who give cheerfully from the little they have.

Last week we were privileged to deliver the boxes to the families in time for them to make their Christmas preparations. Our experiences last year taught us that many of the families we were delivering to would also have needy neighbours so this year we came prepared with little gift bags for the kids which were a big success.

Christmas is such a happy time for the church and Kairos is looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus together as a family. We will be singing Christmas carols for our friends and neighbours on Christmas Eve and then, after a day of sleeping, eating and spending time with our families we will meet together at 6pm on Christmas day for a time of worship and thanks to God. A celebration is only really a celebration when you have friends and family to celebrate with so come and join us for some festive fun this Christmas.


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