Saturday 1 August 2015

In this world... but not of this world

So often, we think that when we become Christians, we need to totally denounce all our friendships, our relationships and separate ourselves from all that we've known so far.  We are indoctrinated into believing that the least possible contact with ‘the world’ is what’s needed for us to be holy and to purify ourselves unto God.  The only thing is that by doing this, we minimise the power of God in our lives.  His power is strong enough to sustain us through every difficulty and trial that we will go through.  What we don’t realise is that God’s desire is for us to live our lives with our fellow men and learn to overcome the circumstances that come our way. 

It’s so amusing and sad to see Christians almost isolating themselves from people, won’t eat at the same table, won’t mingle with anyone who is not in their church and to be honest this is the very opposite to the teachings of Jesus.  I have known groups of Christians who set a different table for members of their very own family if they had not ‘converted’ into their church.  The ‘Christians’ insisted that this was God’s will – not to ‘fellowship’ with the world.

But how then can we be light in the middle of the darkness in the world?  How can we influence the lives of the people around us, show them the way to Christ and love them into the Kingdom… if we isolate ourselves from them?

I wonder… how far have we come from understanding the heart of God?

Wendy Tomin
Co-Pastor, Kairos Church


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